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ESD Global in Latin America and the Caribbean: Making Strides

It has been a very exciting year for ESDG in the Latin America and the Caribbean. We hosted a pilot Instructor Training in July 2019 for 18 activists, gender based violence and empowerment experts in the region and learned a lot about how to organize, coordinate and contextualise our programs for the region. We feel honored and privileged to continue to learn side by side with the amazing women who are currently facilitating ESD courses in the Dominican Republic, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Belize and Ecuador, as well as all over the world.

With the current climate of social movements in the region, particularly the feminist and movements against growing disparity, we are motivated to support our training participants through mentorship and small grants for the year of 2020! Developing our partnership strategies, we have understood the importance of coordinating our efforts alongside the work of Federica Lacava piloting our programs in the African region.

Additionally, we are continuing to train individuals and teams from the region having Hanna Gabriels and her brother from Costa Rica attend the Co-ed training in February, as well as Maria Paz Toro Leal from Chile, Pamela Mussi from Brazil and Daniella Lizano from Costa Rica to train as Master trainers so that they may be the next Instructor Trainers in Latin America and the Carribean! Daniela Lizano is also building our first Impact chapter in the region alongside Bobi Thomson, Lisa Gaeta and Sergio Guillen, 2019 participant of our men's incubator in New York.

ESDG is also excited to inform our readers, supporters and participants that we have secured funding to host our 2nd Instructor Training for the Latin American region (dates tbd) as well as to bring the LA Impact team back to Costa Rica to continue our Impact Instructor Training. It is going to be a busy year 2020 and an exciting "Decade of Empowerment!" but we are definitely up for the challenge, particularly supporting the individuals and groups who constantly and consistently fight for all of our rights.

If you are interested in participating in our Latin American and Caribbean training in 2020 or financially supporting a participant, please reach out to or by whatsapp +50684329683

If you are interested in learning more about regional strategy in the African region or financially supporting a participant from that region, please contact

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