Sep 3, 2020
ESD Global & EL HaLev Mobilize Efforts Against Violence
Mark your calendars! The Second International Violence Prevention Education Conference (VPEC), will take place (COVID-19 willing) on the...

Jun 26, 2019
Queer 101: LGBTQ+ Cultural Competence for ESD Teachers
Violence against someone because they aren’t heterosexual is gender-based violence. Violence against someone because they violate gender...

Mar 20, 2019
Bringing ESD to Latin America
When we last brought you news about Aude Mulliez, she was hard at work using the skills and tools she gained at ESD Global's very first...

Feb 21, 2019
Helping Teens Stay Safe in the Dating World
February is Teen Dating Awareness (TeenDV) Month. According to loveisrespect.org: “Dating violence is more common than many people think....

Jan 24, 2019
Turtle Mountain Team Starts their Journey to Becoming an IMPACT Program
"Impact International officially approves your entry into the process of becoming a certified chapter." ~ IMPACT International Chapter...

Oct 10, 2018
Self-Defense as Social Justice -- Spotlight on Jay O'Shea
We’ve talked before about the “power of one,” and how one woman can have an impact on one community that can then go on to impact the...

Sep 18, 2018
Empowering Children Through Self-Defense
Purple! Dog! Underpants! It’s a classroom, but children are being encouraged to shout random, silly words, and learn to love the power of...

Jul 25, 2018
"Go out and live safe and powerful lives!" -- Turtle Mountain and IMPACT Boston
On July 6th, 2018, the airport in Minot, North Dakota, was full of excitement. As Meg Stone, executive director of IMPACT Boston, and her...

Jun 17, 2018
ESD in the "Age of Wisdom"
I have had the privilege of teaching empowerment self-defense to quite a few groups of people who have reached the "age of wisdom." Funny...