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ESD Classes

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An empowerment-based self-defense class teaches skills in awareness, assertiveness, verbal confrontation skills, safety strategies, and physical techniques. These tools can help a person prevent, resist, escape, survive and heal from assault, abuse or harassment.


An Empowerment-based Self-Defense (ESD) course provides training not only physical techniques like blocking and strikes but also psychological awareness and verbal skills. Practicing a wide range of skills builds personal confidence and competence, which transfer into daily life.



Choosing a Class, Program or Instructor



Charlene Y Senn

Flip the Script >


Over more than 10 years, I developed and evaluated a sexual assault resistance education program (EAAA) for first year University women.




NMNW has six published papers in major scientific journals in collaboration with leading researchers at Stanford University and Johns Hopkins University.

Jocelyn A. Hollander 



Jocelyn Hollander is a professor of sociology at the University of Oregon. Her research focuses on gender and interaction, including the social construction of gender, accountability, resistance, language and talk, and gendered violence. 

Knowledge and Know-How: The Role of Self-Defense in The Prevention of Violence Against Women



This study concludes that there is a growing evidence base that feminist self-defense can be effective in preventing violence.

Video Resources

ESD as a Tool for Trauma Healing Clara Porter

ESD as a Tool for Trauma Healing Clara Porter

Empowerment Self-Defense is a powerful tool for trauma healing. In this webinar, we will share tools for trauma-informed teaching and ways to partner with other individuals and agencies working to prevent and respond to Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence. Building survivor-centered elements into all of your workshops makes learning ESD more accessible to survivors and aides in the healing process. Participants learn to observe and honor their own responses and preferences as felt in the body, to regulate adrenaline, and to develop practices to identify, express and defend what they want, need and feel in their own lives. Research demonstrates that training in ESD lowers rates of victimization or re-victimization, decreases self-blame and victim-blaming, and increases feelings of self-efficacy and the tendency to seek help (Sanquist et al. 2014, Hollander, J. A. 2014). Presenter Bio: Clara Porter MSW, has over 20 years of experience in the field of violence prevention. She is the founder of Prevention. Action. Change. in Portland, and Maine, which works to counter harassment, assault, and abuse through safety strategies, verbal and physical skills, increased confidence and awareness, and promotion of healing and growth. Porter holds a Masters of Social Work, is certified in Empowerment Self-Defense with the National Women's Martial Arts Federation and Center for Anti-violence Education. Prevention. Action. Change. offers training for individuals, organizations, and businesses in Empowerment Self Defense, Active Bystander Intervention, Workplace Safety, Assertive Communication. Over the past two years, Porter has developed an 8-10 week training series for women who have experienced trauma titled, Healing Through Empowerment.
Introducing Decolonial Practices into ESD

Introducing Decolonial Practices into ESD

This webinar will go over the use of decolonization in ESD and utilizing an increased awareness in the embodied approach to addressing oppression within structures that uphold power-based violence. Through understanding of what decolonization can mean, we learn to recognize the history of the body and the revolution of self-defense as a means to reclaim reparations and a return to the lived experience of the body. We discuss tools used and create a dialogue on how ESD instructors can implement these tools and/or practices in their courses. Magdalena Diaz is certified in Mental Health Recovery and Informed Trauma Care. She is also a certified facilitator of Restorative Justice. Magdalena received her Bachelor's degree in Psychology from California State University in Long Beach and is currently working on her Master's degree in Counseling at San Diego State University. She currently serves as Gender-Based Violence Case Manager at Fullerton State University in California, USA. She has worked on student affairs since 2017, providing an informed response about trauma to sexual assault, harassment, and domestic or intimate or intimate partner issues throughout the campus community. Previously, she worked as a confidential campus advocate. Magdalena also served as Legal Department Administrator at an Orange County domestic violence advocacy center. During that time, she co-developed the Palace of Justice Defense Project, which annually serves nearly 1,800 domestic violence survivors in Orange County. Michelle Pereira-Henríquez believes in the principles of survivor recovery through empowerment, community care and holistic/survivor-centered approaches. She earned her Bachelor's degree from California State University, Los Angeles and received her Master's degree in Social Work from California State University, Long Beach, with a minor in Community Mental Health. Michelle has been facilitating ESD workshops and healing circles for soul wound survivors for two years and is working to become a level 2 certified self-defense instructor. More recently, she played a role as a Trauma Therapist at the East Los Angeles Women's Center. Michelle works as a CARE advocate at UC Riverside. Some of her healing practices include CBT focused on trauma, storytelling, narrative rework, use of natural and intuitive tools such as tarot cards, crystals and chakra work for survivors. More recently, she worked as a Trauma Therapist at the East Los Angeles Women’s Center.


The 5 - Principles of Self-Defense handout is now available in:

© 2021 by ESD Global Inc.

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