Reflections on the First Year of ESD Global
Reflections on the First Year of ESD Global

Dear Friends and Supporters,
November marks the one year anniversary of ESD Global Inc. It has been an exciting first year. In August, we welcomed 28 women from around the world to the second ESD Global Self-Defense Instructors Training Camp in New York. It was an inspiring and energizing week which has already resulted in new ESD offerings far and wide from Australia to Chile to the USA.
Thank you for your generous donations which provided camp scholarships.
We are thrilled to be getting regular inquiries from people around the world who would like to train in ESD and bring it to their communities.
From a screening of Beauty Bites Beast in Australia, to a series of workshops in Costa Rica, our 2018 Training Camp participants are truly creating worldwide awareness of ESD. They are partnering with Fodada for the 7th Annual International Women's Self-Defense Day on November 17th and will be offering free self-defense classes in communities around the globe.
From November 16th to 19th, The London Centre for Personal Safety, with grant support from ESD Global, will be offering a special IMPACT training. As their first step towards becoming IMPACT instructors, three ESD Global camp alumni will be participating.
If you are interested in training with us, please complete our interest form and we will let you know about upcoming trainings.
Last month, I had the honor of speaking at the Women Moving Millions (WMM) Summit in Seattle, and shared how my personal journey through judo and empowerment self-defense helped me to come in to my power. I also shared stories that show the many ways in which ESD training has helped women around the world prevent violence reach their life goals.
Members of the WMM community participated enthusiastically, yelling "NO!" and brainstorming ways to bring ESD training into their organizations and help create a safer world for girls and women everywhere.

From November 20th to 27th, The El HaLev Center in Jerusalem will be hosting the Every Women Everywhere Coalition (EEC) for a signing of the Every Woman Treaty, which will be followed by a celebratory gala on November 27th. The objective of the treaty is to mobilize an international campaign to create a legally-binding set of laws designed to prevent violence against women and girls. Stay tuned for information on how you can attend the event either virtually or in person.
In 2019, we plan to train more ESD instructors at more camps. We are looking for partners to host new trainings and recruit participants who will teach in their communities. We would appreciate your support in identifying key partners, funding sources, and recruiting ESD instructors.
Please help us spread the word about ESD Global by forwarding this newsletter and following us on social media.
Yehudit Zicklin-Sidikman, ESD Global President