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Celebrating the First Ever International Equal Pay Day!

Updated: Sep 25, 2020

September 18, 2020 marks the first ever International Equal Pay Day!

UN Women reports that the average global wage gap between men and women is at 24%, and that this gap is even greater for women of colour and for those women who have children.

Violence goes beyond the use or threats of physical force, & includes sexual, psychological & economic violence. Different structures of violence require different systemic interventions & it is imperative to address these oppressive structures while providing solutions to overcome them.

Some women endure abusive relationships or careers due to economic violence associated with poor money management stemming from lack of education, unequal pay related to sexism, or other forms of economic abuse.

"Every human being is born into this world with the equal amount to be potentially the best human being that they could be. Not everyone has the equal opportunity, or equal safety, or equal skills. That has to change. That's why I believe in #equalforeveryone", says Yehudit Zicklin-Sidikman, ESD Global President & Founder.

Because we envision a world where people can live safe, violence-free lives, ESD Global's work includes violence prevention education to help victims of economic violence as well as empowering women to stand up against economic violence. These initiatives involve supporting research, hosting violence prevention education conferences (VPEC2021), providing program grants & more!

Photo Credit: El HaLev


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