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ESD Global Graduate Raises His Voice Against Violence in Nigeria

Developing programs aimed to reduce gender-based violence, Obi Peter has worked extensively with women and youths in various communities in Nigeria and beyond. Obi complains that in some communities, women are almost regarded as “a second-class human-being” that is “inferior to men”. He shares that gender-based violence stems from “traditional beliefs and actions that turn women into slaves by their husbands, by the community, by boys and men, and sometimes even by other women”.

Being exposed to an unsettling rate of violence towards girls and women drove Obi to seek violence prevention tools that could make a difference in his community. His mission to protect women against violence brought him to Israel in February 2020, where he completed an ESD Global Co-Ed Instructor training. Obi shares that one of the most helpful tools he acquired during his training is the Five Principles of Empowerment Self-Defense: Think, Yell, Run, Fight, and Tell.

ESD is an essential skill women need to defend themselves in situations where they may feel uncomfortable or unsafe and Obi is keen on sharing these life-saving skills with women and girls through trainings organized by Youths for Peacebuilding & Development (YOUPEDA), where he works as an Executive Assistant. YOUPEDA is a non-profit organization that "utilizes local innovation to seek sustainable solutions to human challenges affecting African communities by educating communities to take actions and time-tested strategies that bring impact and change".

“I condemn social-based violence and gender-based violence”, says Obi, urging women to raise their voice against violence and to spread awareness by sharing their stories with other women. “Support groups in the community are very effective so that one can stand strong against the perpetrator and those who cause harm and violence against women and girls”, he adds.

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