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Check out ESD Global's 2019 Accomplishments & 2020 Leadership Transition

Dear ESD Global Community, I hope you and your loved ones are managing ok during these unprecedented times. I write to share an exciting milestone for ESD Global – the publication of our first Annual Report. This PDF highlights some of the incredible accomplishments we achieved, not only in the past year, but also since our founding as an international movement in 2017.

I am beyond proud of what we have achieved in such a short time as we seek to establish Empowerment Self-Defense as the key violence prevention strategy for women and vulnerable populations around the world. We have over 150 ESD instructors, who are, in turn, training thousands of women, and children in over 50 countries. We have created a global network of ESD advocates and are supporting practitioners across the globe.

Like everyone else, our work has been impacted by COVID-19. Yet given the escalation of violence we were seeing as a result of the pandemic, we knew we had to pivot quickly to continue to keep women and children safe. We have done just that – offering virtual programs for humanitarian workers and refugees, and online professional development opportunities for ESD instructors, including an ESD Trauma Certification course. Our global network has been a source of strength and inspiration in otherwise isolating and scary times.

Now that ESD Global has a strong foundation, it is time for new leadership to guide the organization through its next stage of growth, which is why I will be stepping down as ESD Global’s Executive Director at the end of this month and Yudit Sidikman, ESD Global's visionary founder, will serve as the interim Executive Director until a new permanent director is hired. It has been a true privilege to play a foundational role in building this movement and I know great things are yet to come – including membership offerings and an online resource library. I thank you all for your partnership along the way and know that we will stay connected through our vision of building a world where everyone can live safe, violence-free lives.

All my best,

Ellen Krause-Grosman Executive Director ESD Global Inc.

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