Celebrating Kindness!
We've had hundreds of folks take The Kind Quiz over the past few weeks!
Here’s a peek at our ESD Global values in action: Our kindness cohort shows a combination of Disruption & Empathy. As a community, Human Rights is our top cause to support, followed by Education and Social Justice.
As a group, we see the greatest need locally.
To activate our shared values, a donation has been given to ESD Global's Research and Advocacy program, which identifies and develops best practices for teaching effective ESD skills and reflects a variety of cultural contexts and diverse populations.

Interested in discovering your kindness profile? You too can Take The Kind Quiz!
Thank you again for caring. Here's to continuing to share kindness and strength with one another.
With gratitude,
Yehudit Zicklin-Sidikman

Founder & President, ESD Global
Kind profile: Compassionate