Jan 3, 2019
A Feminist Response to Critique of Self-Defense
This past October, at a high school gym in Astoria queens, the girls in the junior and senior classes had the opportunity to participate...

Dec 6, 2018
"I Didn't Scream Because You Didn't Teach Me How"
There is hardly any funding allocated to sexual violence prevention in educational institutions and work environments. A senior advisor...

Nov 7, 2018
Reflections on the First Year of ESD Global
Reflections on the First Year of ESD Global Dear Friends and Supporters, November marks the one year anniversary of ESD Global Inc. It...

Nov 5, 2018
Invitation to Sign The Every Woman Treaty
“I stand for a life free from all forms of violence for every woman and girl, everywhere. I hereby join the call for a Global Treaty...

Oct 10, 2018
Self-Defense as Social Justice -- Spotlight on Jay O'Shea
We’ve talked before about the “power of one,” and how one woman can have an impact on one community that can then go on to impact the...

Sep 5, 2018
The Importance of Self-Defense Training for Sexual Violence Prevention
Abstract: Women’s self-defense training has been excluded from sexual violence prevention efforts for a variety of reasons, including...